DSET /aosc/greenland/rare1.15.2.0/REGRIDED/ocean/rare1.15.2.0_5dy_ocean_reg_%y4_%m2_%d2.nc #DSET /glade/scratch/chepurin/RAR_1.15.2.0/REGRIDED/ocean/rare1.15.2.0_5dy_ocean_reg_%y4_%m2_%d2.nc DTYPE netcdf OPTIONS TEMPLATE UNDEF -1.e+20f TITLE MOM5+ERA5 simulation in the north high latitudes. XDEF 3600 linear -179.95 0.10 YDEF 450 linear 45.05 0.10 * ZDEF 38 levels 0.54128076539161, 2.93995264891447, 5.86935042405403, 9.44688495964871, 13.8159279323332, 19.151540835806, 25.66745905867, 33.6245984138505, 43.3414022110416, 55.2064019936584, 69.6934197853445, 87.379884002135, 108.968744882098, 135.314419992604, 167.453005943493, 206.636535284236, 254.370128943059, 312.449163513683, 382.990565399297, 468.447515403956, 571.589915322663, 695.424821496212, 843.025512765185, 1017.24370768399, 1220.30949515272, 1453.38443981473, 1716.2046509593, 2006.97519804695, 2322.60123413657, 2659.18911348314, 3012.6313812063, 3379.08852049285, 3755.27409765924, 4138.55143999841, 4526.90264998742, 4918.83491240816, 5313.27015821824, 5709.44291422576 * TDEF 2989 linear 04Jan1980 5dy * VARS 20 temp=>temp 50 t,z,y,x Potential temperature (C deg) salt=>salt 50 t,z,y,x Salinity (PSU) u=>u 50 t,z,y,x Zonal velosity v=>v 50 t,z,y,x Meredianal velosity wt=>w 50 t,z,y,x Vertical velosity ssh=>ssh 0 t,y,x Sea Surface Height [meter] (effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells) mlt=>mlt 0 t,y,x Mixed lyer depth determined by temperature [meter] mlp=>mlp 0 t,y,x Mixed lyer depth determined by potential density [meter] mls=>mls 0 t,y,x Mixed lyer depth determined by salinity [meter] taux=>taux 0 t,y,x Zonal windstress [N/m^2] tauy=>tauy 0 t,y,x Meredialanl windstress [N/m^2] evap_heat=>evpheat 0 t,y,x Latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) [W/m^2] hflux_pme=>hflxpme 0 t,y,x Heat flux (relative to 0C) from pme transfer of water across ocean surface [W/m^2] hflux_total=>hflxttl 0 t,y,x Surface heat flux from coupler plus restore (omits mass transfer heating) [W/m^2] lw_heat=>lwflx 0 t,y,x Longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) [W/m^2] sens_heat=>hflxsns 0 t,y,x Sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) [W/m^2] swflx=>swflx 0 t,y,x Shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) [W/m^2] net_heating=>hflxnet 0 t,y,x Surface ocean heat flux coming through coupler and mass transfer [W/m^2] river=>river 0 t,y,x Mass flux from rivers entering to ocean [kg/(m^2*sec)] pme_river=>pmervr 0 t,y,x Mass flux of precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid, frozen, evaporation) [(kg/m^3)*(m/sec] ENDVARS