12/28/2017 The nine daily netcdf fields were created on discover by running the grads scripts currently in /gpfsm/dhome/jacarton/merra2/execs/daily/1980-2017 which produce a daily average from the 24 hourly analysis fields. Then the cdo routine import_binary, e.g.: cdo -b F32 -f nc4 import_binary lwgab.ctl /gpfsm/dnb32/jacarton/lwgab-1980-2017.nc was run to create nc4 files and these were sftp'd to: /aosc/indian/carton/merra2/daily_data/1980-2017. Finally, each field was compared to the corresponding field in /aosc/indian/carton/merra2/daily_data/1980-2015 to ensure that the downloads are correct. This procedure showed that there was an erroneous 1dy shift in a single older file: /1980-2015/merra2_precsnoocn_1980-2015.nc 12/28/2017 I checked the min and max of three fields: precsonocn (0 to 0.003), rainocn (0 to 0.01), and qv2m (e-7 to 0.03). All seem within reasonable limits so there was no need to filter.