# 210112:W.C.: Added intel compiler # 160501:Ma: replaced the main_param.F90 with a namelist file. # 130529:Ma: modifed to add SwathOr1deg switch. exeName = a.out SRCS = \ ../rtm/Srb_MODIS_userAer.f\ ../rtm/modis_main_v33.1.f90 #CL = ifort CL = gfortran #CL = pgf95 ifeq ($(CL),ifort) # CFLAGS = -assume byterecl -O0 -g -pg -check all -traceback CFLAGS = -assume byterecl -O3 TGEXE = $(exeName) endif ifeq ($(CL),gfortran) # CFLAGS=-fno-underscoring CFLAGS =-fbacktrace -g -fno-underscoring -O3 TGEXE = $(exeName) endif ifeq ($(CL),pgf95) # CFLAGS = -g #for 7.0.4 and 9.0.2 version of pgf95, has to use -g to deal (1:n) correctly. # TGEXE = $(exeName).pgf.g CFLAGS = TGEXE = $(exeName) endif ALLCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) #LIBS = -lhdfeos -lGctp -lmfhdf -ldf -lsz -ljpeg -lz -lm IFLAGS= LFLAGS= LIBS= ### Oder does matter! $(TGEXE): $(CL) -o $@ $(ALLCFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) $(SRCS) $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS) rm -f *.o *.mod